Sierra Park
I.O.O.F. Sierra Camp Subdivision


C.16-10-005 - Varvayanis vs. OFSRA - 9/22/2016

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Appeal filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (107484) - 04/21/2017 (PDF 433 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (107484) - 04/21/2017 (PDF 527 KB)

Satisfaction of Decision Order - 3/22/2017 (PDF 1.55 MB)

Presiding Officers Decision filed by ALJ/WILDGRUBE/CPUC - C1610005 (106616) - 03/22/2017 (PDF 165 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (106616) - 03/22/2017 (PDF 171 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC - C1610005 (105393) - 02/10/2017 (PDF 162 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (105393) - 02/10/2017 (PDF 435 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/WILDGRUBE/CPUC on 02/09/2017 - C1610005 (105325) - 02/09/2017 (PDF 133 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (105325) - 02/09/2017 (PDF 133 KB)

Motion filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (105000) - 01/30/2017 (PDF 280 KB)
Exhibit CV-26 - C1610005 (105000) - 01/30/2017 (PDF 1.05 MB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (105000) - 01/30/2017 (PDF 529 KB)

Reply filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (104998) - 01/30/2017 (PDF 237 KB)
Current Conditions in the Park - C1610005 (104998) - 01/30/2017 (PDF 672 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104998) - 01/30/2017 (PDF 527 KB)

Reply filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (104967) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 339 KB)
Current Conditions in the Park - C1610005 (104967) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 672 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104967) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 526 KB)

Statement filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (104999) - 01/17/2017 (PDF 227 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104999) - 01/17/2017 (PDF 525 KB)

Response filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (104988) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 341 KB)
Exhibit CV-22 - C1610005 (104988) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 844 KB)
Exhibit CV-23 - C1610005 (104988) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 734 KB)
Exhibit CV-24 - C1610005 (104988) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 1.10 MB)
Exhibit CV-25 - C1610005 (104988) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 1.09 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104988) - 01/27/2017 (PDF 527 KB)

Response filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (104894) - 01/25/2017 (PDF 332 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104894) - 01/25/2017 (PDF 192 KB)

Response filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (104809) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 819 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104809) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 191 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/WILDGRUBE/CPUC - C1610005 (104794) - 01/12/2017 (PDF 225 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104794) - 01/12/2017 (PDF 69.1 KB)

Response filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (104776) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 411 KB)
Exhibit CV-19 - C1610005 (104776) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 17.4 MB)
Exhibit CV-20 - C1610005 (104776) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 1.55 MB)
Exhibit CV-21 - C1610005 (104776) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 676 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104776) - 01/20/2017 (PDF 525 KB)

Statement filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (104599) - 01/13/2017 (PDF 118 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104599) - 01/13/2017 (PDF 191 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ-WILDGRUBE-CPUC - C1610005 (104643) - 01/10/2017 (PDF 191 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104643) - 01/10/2017 (PDF 69.1 KB)

Motion filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (104463) - 01/06/2017 (PDF 250 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104463) - 01/06/2017 (PDF 190 KB)

Brief filed by Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (104283) - 12/22/2016 (PDF 2.10 MB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104283) - 12/22/2016 (PDF 525 KB)

Scoping Ruling filed by CMMR/PICKER/CPUC - C1610005 (104303) - 12/22/2016 (PDF 175 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104303) - 12/22/2016 (PDF 132 KB)

Statement filed by Charles P. Varvayanis - C1610005 (103958) - 12/09/2016 (PDF 333 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (103958) - 12/09/2016 (PDF 343 KB)

Amended Statement filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (103964) - 12/09/2016 (PDF 323 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (103964) - 12/09/2016 (PDF 283 KB)

Statement filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (103957) - 12/09/2016 (PDF 335 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (103957) - 12/09/2016 (PDF 286 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC - C1610005 (104000) - 12/12/2016 (PDF 163 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (104000) - 12/12/2016 (PDF 430 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/MIKITA/CPUC - C1610005 (103522) - 11/23/2016 (PDF 142 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (103522) - 11/23/2016 (PDF 132 KB)

Answer filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association - C1610005 (103266) - 11/14/2016 (PDF 400 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (103266) - 11/14/2016 (PDF 283 KB)

Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt - Charles Paul Varvayanis - C1610005 (102506) - 10/12/2016 (PDF 1.22 MB)

Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt - Odd Fellow Recreation Association - C1610005 (102564) - 10/14/2016 (PDF 1.21 MB)

Instruction to Answer - C1610005 (102482) - 10/12/2016 (PDF 218 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1610005 (102482) - 10/12/2016 (PDF 281 KB)

Complaint - C1610005 (102391) - 10/6/2016 (PDF 695 KB)
Exhibits A through C - C1610005 (102391) - 10/6/2016 (PDF 1.45 KB)
Exhibits D through G - C1610005 (102391) - 10/6/2016 (PDF 5.85 KB)
Exhibits H through M - C1610005 (102391) - 10/6/2016 (PDF 2.56 MB)

Website created and managed by Charles Varvayanis
To submit comments or contribute material contact:
Charles Varvayanis
P.O. Box 395, Long Barn, CA  95335-0395
Phone:  (209) 586-3782
Fax:  (209) 586-3761

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